Forum de Tana en 2015 (4e Forum de Tana de haut niveau sur la sécurité en Afrique)

Thème:  Laïcité et foi politisée

Programme du Forum de Tana en 2015

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme complet du Forum de Tana en 2015 (4e Forum de haut niveau de Tana sur la sécurité en Afrique, Laïcité et foi politisée ) Cliquez sur télécharger le PDF pour consulter le programme complet.

Couverture médiatique du Forum de Tana en 2015

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des liens vers des articles parus dans la presse à l’approche, pendant et après la tenue du Forum de Tana en 2015. Cliquez sur le lien « En savoir plus » ci-dessous pour consulter les articles parus dans les médias.

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Shirkii Tana Forum oo Bahir Dar, Itoobiya lagu soo geba-gebeeyey

(Tana) Forum Called for intesfied Military response by African States on Terrorist groups

Resist terrorists bid to divide us, Uhuru tells Africa

Secularism, politicization of faith dominates 4th Tana Forum

The Tana Forum held in BahirDar Concluded

Africa: A Provocative Tana Forum Discussion – Challenging Africa’s Towering Figure

Pan-Africanism, Secularism, and Security highlight Day I

Excerpts from the 4th Tana High Level Forum on Security in Africa

Multi-stakeholder forum on Africa’s security underway

Kwame Nkrumah was no hero, pan-Africanism is dead and other stories from a unique presidential meeting

Activités préalables au Forum de Tana en 2015

Cliquez ci-dessous pour consulter les activités préalables au Forum.

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Public Lecture and Vice Chancellors’ Debate

The Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa, in conjunction with the Bahir Dar University, will organise a public lecture and a Vice Chancellors’ debate in order to cascade the discussions of the Forum to young generation in universities. Please find below relevant documents.

– Download the Programme of the Public Lecture and Vice Chancellors’ debate
– Download the Concept Note

Universities’ Essay Competition

Africa is the world’s most youthful continent with about 65% of the population under the age of 35. As the continent’s present and future, young people are uniquely impacted by the peace and security challenges. They are also the best equipped to solve them. The Tana Forum Universities’ Competition seeks to engage young voices on issues of peace and security in Africa; and secondly, provide a platform for African youths to present their perspectives on the causes, manifestations and impact of secularism and politicized faith on peace and security in Africa.

The authors of the top three essays will be flown to the host city Bahir Dar, Ethiopia for the 2015 Tana Forum and the best writer will be invited to make oral presentations of her/his essay to African dignitaries and officials from international organizations.

Click here to download the full concept note.
Click here to download the entries of the top three winners: winnerfirst runner-upsecond runner-up

TANA Forum-WANEP Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue

The pursuit for peace is a continental agenda. It is pursused on local, national and regional levels by actors with varying expertise and resources. The Tana Forum-WANEP Regional Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues seeks to make these connections between levels of work and levels of expertise more impactful. With actors from grassroots civil society organizations to international organizations we hone in on the year’s theme Secularism and Politicised Faith and develop a blueprint of action.

This year, we are collaborating with the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) to bring together leaders and key individuals in West Africa. The regional multi-stakeholder dialogue will take place at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana on 24th and 25th February 2015.

The broad goal of the Regional Multi-Stakeholder Pre-Forum is to provide an opportunity for a broad-based African constituency to become part of the process of generating inclusive dialogue capable of advancing ownership of African solutions on peace and security. For more information, download the Concept Note.

Find a comprehensive schedule of the speakers and session themes during the 2-day Dialogue taking place in Accra, Ghana

The Tana Forum/WANEP Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue gathered civil civil society experiences and expertise to help inform discussions at Tana 2015 in April. The deliberations produced the following recommendations.

Documents sur les résultats du Forum de Tana en 2015

Les 18 et 19 avril 2015, des chefs d’État, responsables politiques et hautes personnalités ont débattu du thème de l’année « Laïcité et foi politisée ». Téléchargez les résultats et recommandations.

Documents de discussions du Forum de Tana en 2015

  • Concours de dissertation universitaire- ASSEUHIN Yves Patrice (deuxième lauréat) lors du Forum de Tana en 2015
  • Note conceptuelle du Forum de Tana – Réseau ouest-africain pour la consolidation de la paix (WANEP) Dialogue régional multipartite.
  • Ordre du jour : Dialogue régional multipartite du Forum de Tana et du WANEP.
  • Concours de dissertation universitaire – Mohammed Dejen (premier finaliste)
  • Programme du débat des vice-chanceliers et de la conférence publique
  • Note conceptuelle sur le débat des vice-chanceliers

Discours prononcés lors du Forum de Tana en 2015