The Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa Date Announcement
June 3, 2022

Today, the Tana Forum Secretariat is pleased to announce that the 10th Tana Forum will be held in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, from 14 – 16 October 2022, under the theme “Managing Security Threats: Building Resilience for the Africa We Want,” in a hybrid format. The Secretariat anticipates 150 – 160 in-person participants, including current and former Heads of State, eminent African personalities, the African Union, RECs/RMs, peace, security and development experts, Embassies and government representatives, think tanks, academia, the private sector, CSOs, youth and women representatives, development partners, media, and many others. Furthermore, over 600 people are expected to attend the Forum virtually.

Follow the Tana Forum website, to find more information and update in the coming weeks.