3rd Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa

The 3rd Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa took place from 26-27 April 2014. The theme was “The Impact of Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) on Peace and Security in Africa.”
As part of the Forum, the maiden edition of The Annual Meles Zenawi Lecture Series was held. The Lecture series explored: “Leadership in Africa: Reflections on Nelson Mandela’s Legacy” and was presented by Prof. Adebayo Olukoshi, Executive Director, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP).
The 3rd Tana High-Level Forum Keynote Address was delivered by Dr Carlos Lopes, Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). In his address, Dr Lopes identified a relationship between illicit financial flows and conflict, stating that illegal and illicit economic transactions contributed greatly to brewing conflicts. He highlighted the role that mismanagement of diversity played in creating breeding grounds for adversary attitudes that end up contributing to fomenting conflict.
As part of the Forum, there was also a session on “Reflections on the Forum and theme from an African Union Perspective”. This session was chaired by El Ghassim Wane, Director of Peace and Security Department, African Union Commission, Ethiopia, African Union Commission, Ethiopia, Dr Khabele Matlosa, Director of Political Affairs Department, was a discussant.
Some of the recommendations included the positive utilisation of political discretion by the executive branch of government to curb systemic corruption, enhancement of transparency through legislation and law enforcement, ensuring corporate transparency through a combination of domestic and international processes, prioritising taxation to address tax evasion by multinationals. Other recommendations included investment in empirical research by African think tanks and research institutions to deepen understand and sharpen policy responses to Au Member states on IFFS, as well as the engagement of non-state actors such as civil society in the fight against IFF.