Peace and Security in Africa and TICAD 8 (evaluation of TICAD 8 outcomes)
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The 10th edition of the Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa has taken place in 2022 in Bahir Dar in hybrid format under the theme, “Managing Security Threats: Building Resilience for the Africa We Want”. Following this, the secretariat holds multi-stakeholders dialogue on a selected theme that calls for further platforms for debates and popularizes the outcomes of the Forum among wider constituencies. As such, the Tana Forum Secretariat in partnership with the Mission of Japan to the AU will organize a regional multi stakeholder’s hybrid forum on the theme “Peace and Security in Africa and TICAD 8 (evaluation of TICAD 8 outcomes)” to be held on 24 November 2022. This concept note is developed to guide this dialogue… Read More