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Pre-Tana 2024 Youth Consultation: What’s Next? Aligning States And The African Youth

04 June 2024 - 05 June 2024

Download: Concept Note

The Tana High Level Forum on Security in Africa is an independent initiative of the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), of Addis Ababa University, the African Union (AU) and of eminent African personalities, including the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The Forum is a response to the Tripoli Declaration of August 2009 that calls for “African- centred solutions” and designates peace and security as a collective “intellectual challenge”. The Tana High- Level Forum on Security in Africa, also known as the Tana Forum, brings together African leaders, personalities and stakeholders to engage and explore African-led security solutions. The centrepiece of the Tana experience is the baobab tree which, through its symbolism of dialogue, invites participants to sit down in a spirit of commonality and moral duty towards finding solutions for peace and security in the continent. The Forum is a platform for formal meetings between African heads of states and governments by assembling them in an informal and collaborative environment in the 11th Tana Forum will be held in April 2024 at Bahir Dar on the theme “Africa in an Evolving Global Order ”.

The Forum brings together approximately 200 multi- stakeholders and representatives from the continent and beyond. Given the limited space to accommodate pressing participation demands, the Multi-stakeholder Dialogues have been introduced to fulfil three objectives:

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Dakar, Senegal


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Tana Forum